Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy U.S. Marshal Derek William Hotsinpiller

United States Department of Justice - United States Marshals Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Reflections for Deputy U.S. Marshal Derek William Hotsinpiller

As a former law enforcement officer who was lucky enough to make it to retirement I understand the daily duties and sacrifices each of us face. I’m am sure Deputy Hotsinpiller served his community with the utmost honor and respect for others lives and will be miss by those who worked with and knew him. So tragic is the loss of any life but his was cut down way to soon. My his family feel great pride in his service to others.

CSI Kenneth Robertson ID 1982
Fort Worth Police 1994-2011

October 10, 2024

I just happened to learn of this hero's service and sacrifice. I did not know him, but I am deeply saddened by this loss. Although many years have passed, I'm sure it is no easier for any who love him. I offer my condolences and will remember his name.


August 27, 2024


rw miller
US Treasury

December 15, 2023

Nossa , eu estava assistindo uma série e apareceu o nome dele , morreu como um herói . Meus sentimentos a todos familiares e amigos .

Guilherme Sperandio
Cidadão brasileiro

September 21, 2023

HEROES REMEMBERED NEVER DIE. R.I.P. Deputy United States Marshal Derek Hotsinpiller, we’ll take it from here. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭9‬ NIV

Deputy United States Marshal Adam Becker
United States Marshals Service

February 16, 2023

Thank you for your service. May Derek's soul forever rest peacefully in heaven.

Retired First Sergeant Thomas Webb
New York State Police - Troop "D"

July 30, 2022

They is so much to say when a courageous Officer or Armed forces men or women goes down....
"Serve and Protect" !! That's what we do....
So sorry for the Family and his colleagues and friend's - wish him to R.I.P

P. Michel JEAN-MAIRET Switzerland Geneva
Airport Police. Lt Ret.

December 14, 2021

So very tragic. I am so very sorry for his family's and community's loss. RIP brave young man.

Sharon Lynn Martinez

August 19, 2021

I came here after that episode of JUSTIFIED too
Absolutely tragic
A young life full of promise cut prematurely short
Condolences to his family and friends

28th July 2021
Channel Islands

Miss L Fennell

July 28, 2021

I came here to seek knowledge and to pay respects to Derek and Deputy US Marshall John Perry after reading a memorial to them at the end of an episode of TV show “Justified”. Having now read their stories, I would like to offer sincere condolences from another country, where we enjoy certain freedoms and opportunities, thanks to people like Derek and John. Compassion and respect and appreciation for people of their dedication and honour has no borders. Best wishes to their families and their friends, in their memory. Stay safe.

David M.Thompson
New Zealand

June 21, 2021

Godspeed brother from Texas!

Deputy marshal
Red river marshals

May 5, 2021

So Sad to hear about what happened. He looks like such a nice man. Thank You for your service

Constable Matt Heaton
Waterloo Regional Police Service

March 5, 2021

RIP Deputy Marshal Hotsinpiller. Prayers for your family, friends and comrades in the USMS. Thank you for the sacrifice you made in protecting and serving the citizens of W Virginia and our United States of America. Rest now as those who remain have the watch.

Chief Deputy Marshal
Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office

February 22, 2020

Rest well brother rest well, We have the watch

Jeffery Hart Chief of Police
Uniontown Police Dept

February 17, 2020

Thank you for your service

Mark Mottola

February 16, 2020

Another year has passed, still unbelievable. How I miss the sounds of your footsteps across the back deck, and the way you would pause looking out across the back yard for deer. That image, praise God, is forever burned into my memory. A good friend shared something with me this week, 8 years has gone by, but that just means that I am 8 years closer to seeing you again. Life is good. You would get such a kick out of these three boys, your nephews, Landon, Liam and Logan. I still and will always love you, "Around the world and back again."
Know that I pray for Dustin and every other LEO each and every morning. I pray that God surrounds them with legions of angels for their safety and protection and that no evil touches them.
Love, Mom

Pamela Hotsinpiller
Mother of
Deputy United States Marshal
Derek W. Hotsinpiller
EOW 2-16-2011

February 17, 2019

Please know that this young hero is not forgotten. His bravery and honor, sacrificing for the greater good is forever his legacy. While I am saddened by the loss of such a young man, I hope his family can find some peace and comfort knowing he (and them) will forever be in many, many hearts. Thank God for the courageous among us willing to protect and serve.

Alison R.
Grateful Civilian

September 22, 2018

John 5:28, 29 - "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out". I pray that everyone can find peace in knowing that we will see this officer as well as many others again in Paradise soon. Until then, please accept my condolences.

A.W. Montgomery
Concerned Citizen

September 20, 2018

Well Hots, I randomly met your uncle Terry yesterday on a detail. To no surprise he seems to be a great person like you and all of your family are. I have thought of you often. You were one of the first I met at FLETC. Funny how you were 7 years younger than me growing up in Bridgeport at the same time, and never crossed paths. Things have happen that reasons I will never be able to understand. Our lives and dates will be forever bound. From our DOB Jun 2, 1979 your's 1986 to those tragic days Feb 16, 2011 mine 2018, again 7 years apart. I will forever believe you were there and help me go home. I just wanted to thank you for being who you are. Dustin's text was the first I read after my incident, it was comforting and fitting for that day. I hate we didn't get to have more talks but I await the day till we meet again. Until Valhalla

DUSM #4740
US Marshals Service

August 22, 2018

Rest In Peace Brother, Thank You and your Family for your sacrifice and service

Officer Mike Robinson, (Ret)
City of Upland, CA

August 18, 2017

Finding this officers reflection and the words of his grieving mother I ask again the question "Why Lord, why must we wait so long for your return to heal us from sins unending wounds. " But, then after I wipe the tears from my eyes I remind myself of words my mother would say to me "We don't understand these parts of His plan, but His will be done- all glory and praise to God". The loss of such a young and good man is a loss for the whole world and an example of what only a few have been called to do. Your son is a reminder to us all that Gods perfect creation does exist. His actions and those of his fellow good officers provoke in me a need to be better every day. I thank you and him for this gift. God bless you!

James T Goss
A thankful citizen

July 1, 2017

To the family of Derek, please know that others continue to be touched by Derek's story and grieve the passing of your son and brother. Learned of Derek after taking a job in WV two years ago, and this page today - so sorry for this loss.


March 21, 2017

Rest In Peace Brother You are not forgotten!

SOS Rodriguez
Federal Bureau of Prisons NYC

August 16, 2016

To Mrs. Hotsinpiller,
I have just become aware of this website within this last year after the death of a local officer and friend. I have noticed that you have left a reflection on most of these officers pages, often the first response after their loss. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your genuine concern for all law enforcement officers and their families. You have become a blessing to so many. I pray with you for the day that you will see your son again and embrace in him Heaven. May God continue to comfort you and your family.

Lori Warren

June 26, 2016

It does not get easier, it just gets more real.

Knowing that Heaven is very real, I am full of hope, joy and anticipation. Till we meet again, "I love you, around the world and back again."

Pamela Hotsinpiller
Mother of
Deputy United States Marshal
Derek W. Hotsinpiller
EOW 2-16-2011

February 28, 2016

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