Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff David Leroy Briese, Jr.

Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office, Montana

End of Watch Friday, November 3, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff David Leroy Briese, Jr.

The true measure of a person
is not found in the
might of their arm,
their wealth
or their power –
it is found in the strength
of their character.

There is no greater testimony to
ones character, than ones
willingness to sacrifice all,
in the noble quest of
providing protection to all
whom they serve.

Author Unknown

Javier Cornejo
Police Officer, Retired
City of Milwaukee Police Department
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

September 10, 2024

RIP Hero. May you forever spend your eternal life with our dear Lord in heaven. My thoughts and prayers are with all your loved ones. Our country is now a little less safe without you. I hope you enjoy being reunited with your son. Thank you for your service.


Sergeant Mitchell G. Cheselka (Retired)
Orange County Sheriff, California
Polk County Sheriff, Oregon

June 4, 2024

RIP sir.

Retired First Sergeant Thomas Webb
New York State Police - Troop "D"

June 4, 2024

Condolences to his family

Carson loveless

June 3, 2024

I am so sorry for your family that had to edge your loss and now the loss of your son Joshua as well, also in the line of duty. I can’t imagine nor do I want to know this heartbreak. Losing a spouse is horrible. I was once told that losing a child was worse by someone who lost both.
May you both rest in peace.

Tammie Elliott-Gehle
1987 Survivor

June 3, 2024

Rest in Peace!

Ptl. B L Waltz (Ret)
Avon Lake PD OH

June 2, 2024

God rest your soul, Deputy Briese. May your family, friends, colleagues, and community find the strength and resolve to carry on in your physical absence and continue to spread the goodness to which you were so selflessly committed. You were among the best humanity has to offer. Your dedication to service and your ultimate sacrifice shall not be forgotten.

Investigator Christopher Port (Ret.)
California Highway Patrol, Valley Div. MAIT

June 1, 2024

Trust and truth only can forever enhance our very mankind when honor, dignity and integrity comprehend their important assignments. You understood what your sacred oath meant to you, Officer Cook and to the people of Dade County where onus and intuition was catapulted upon your broad shoulders of heart, soul and humane humbleness. A gentleman who served and protected as all servants must and who now occupies an angelic role above walking his beat to steer us clear from the very harm that took your youth and manhood away from you and your loved ones who bare the grief, anguish and sorrow over losing you way too early. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2022

Thank you for your service and please know that your sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

November 3, 2020

Well I'd just like to say that many times I feel your presence and can hear that contagious laugh. I will say our marriage was not perfect and I am now starting to own my part in that. I believe that you sent me my new husband and is pushing me to change and do things that were left undone for us. Gone but not forgotten 342 aka sledge hammer

Erene Briese

September 17, 2020

As I reflect back so much has changed not only with you not here but life itself. I know that at times when I'm thinking about us i can feel your presence and i can hear your famous laughter. Sometimes when I can't sleep or something is bothering me I can hear your voice of reason when I may be getting ready to poor choice you have been there to guide me.. 10 years together and 3 children in which we struggled with issues. If we were only been giving some tools and worked harder in trusting our relationship . We both have ownership that pulled us away but I do believe we did generally love each other. So no I am currently doing in my new marriage what we should of done. But you brought me my husband for a reason and I just have to work within my self and then with him. As I'm sure you have noticed over the last several years road blocks and personal motives has cause harm and I am now trying to approach situations differently. And I'm confident that you will guide me in my time of need .
342 gone but not forgotten.. aka sledgehammer
Surviving spouse

Erene Briese

September 17, 2020

David rest in peace my friend! You are the epitome of what integrity is and should be. I remember the time at the CStore losing your magazine it still makes me cringe but makes me smile too. You are not forgotten! Fair winds and following seas! Oooorah brother! Rest in peace!

SSGT.Andrew McLellan, Usmc,

November 2, 2019

Rest in peace Deputy Sheriff Briese.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2019

6 long years have passed and it still feels like yesterday that you were taken from us. We miss you friend


October 22, 2012

Your heroism and service is honored today, the fifth anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Rest In Peace

Phyllis Loya
mom of fallen officer Larry Lasater, eow 4/24/05

November 3, 2011

rest in peace brother you are not forgotten.

joseph winterer patrol officer
carlin city police. carlin, nevada

July 7, 2007


Almost eight months has gone by since you left us too soon. Well I was involved in all the activities honoring your life I still have a hard time with the fact that you will not be coming back to work with us. The saying that time heals all wounds is not completely true. While the time dulls the emotions, there are still those days when I think about you and all you contributed to our office and our lives. I hope you can rest easy knowing that you will "never be forgotten" and your friends and teammates are better people and cops for having known you. For all of Dave's family that may read this, take comfort in knowing that Dave was truly loved and respected in his life. While his presence can never be replaced, his memory and impact in our lives cannot be measured. Josh and Justin, your father was a true HERO and loved you very much.

Deputy Brian Anderson
Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office

June 25, 2007

I'm back home from the 2007 Police Unity Tour, which I rode this year in your honor. When I was there, I met Sgt. Kent O'Donnell and two other of your fellow officers. They told me about how your nickname was "The Hammer" and they gave me a CD with videos on it about you. I'm sorry I came to know you a year too late and I can only imagine the loss that your family and friends feel now that you're gone. Perhaps when your sons get old enough, they might come ride in the Police Unity Tour to pay tribute to you. In the mean time, I will remember you every year as I make my journey to the Memorial in DC.
Lynn Gannon
US Department of the Interior / OIG

SA Lynn Gannon
Police Unity Tour rider / U.S. DOI/OIG

May 23, 2007

Dave, My thoughts and prayers will be on you as we attend the Montana Law Enforcement memorial in Bozeman. It is hard to believe the amount of time that has gone by. I know you are in heaven with all the other heroes who lost their lives in the line of duty. Although your tour may be over here, you are always with us when we go on duty and know you will keep an eye on us.

Sgt. Mike Zuhoski
Laurel Police Department

May 11, 2007

I had the great fortune of meeting Dave when I first started with Yellowstone County. I took some of his training classes. I especially remember cell extraction trainig in detention officer basic at the academy. Dave could always put a smile on my face no matter how bad of day I was having.

Dave gave the ultimate sacrifice for the ciizens he served. We will remember him every time we put on the uniform. My thoughts and prayers go out to Dave's family and to all at Yellowstone County. We miss you brother, and may you watch over all of us.

Deputy Sean Anderson 342
Sawyer County Sheriff's Dept., WI

January 14, 2007

"If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded." -- Maya Angelou

Aloha Deputy Sheriff David Briese,
Thank you for your service and dedication to your community and your country. You and all officers that continue to lay your lives on the line and pay the ultimate sacrifice to keep our communities and country safe, will NEVER be forgotten.

I personally pledge, (after one of Hawaii's own, Honolulu Police Officer Steve Favela, lost his life in the line of duty protecting our Commander in Chief, President George W. Bush), to become a continuum of the "ODMP Light". That light is in the form of an ODMP tribute.

People from all walks of life, regardless of age, race, religion, profession, education, and geographical location can share here a word or two on behalf of each and every fallen officer.

Every fallen officer is an hero. The ODMP serves as a place where that continuum of "LIGHT" can be seen through and within, the heart and soul of each and every person who honors our fallen heroes with a relection and/or tribute.

As we say in Hawaii, we are `Ohana. We are family.
May God comfort the family and loved ones who have lost their beloved David. May God also comfort those who have lost a fellow officer and friend that can never be replaced in this lifetime.

I wish you peace and love beyond all understanding.
May you rest in peace Deputy Sheriff David Briese.
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana. Amen.

**I pray all find comfort in this Hawaiian prayer I leave you.**


Peace be with you, All My Peace,
O ka Maluhia no me oe, Ku'u Maluhia a pau loa,

The Peace that is " I ", the Peace that is "I am".
Ka Maluhia o ka "I", owau no ka Maluhia,

The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore.
Ka Maluhia no na wa a pau, no ke'ia wa a mau a mau loa aku.

My Peace " I " give to you, My Peace " I " leave with you,
Ha'awi aku wau I ku'u Maluhia ia oe, waiho aku wau I ku'u Maluhia me oe,

Not the world's Peace, but, only My Peace,
The Peace of " I ".

A'ole ka Maluhia o ke ao aka, ka'u Maluhia wale no,
Ka Maluhia o ka "I".

Moana V.C. Molale (Private Citizen)
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii Island

January 4, 2007

While I never had the honor of meeting Deputy Briese, I was saddened at the news of his departure. Deputy Briese is a testament to each of us in Law Enforcement. As stated, I never met Deputy Briese, but each day as I dress for duty, I remember Deputy Briese, and those who fell before him. Each of us in Law Enforcement must remember we each are officers because we couldn't LIVE doing anything else. I would like all who read this to remember Deputy Briese as a deputy, as a man, who knew his purpose. Deputy Briese was placed on this Earth to help those who were unable to help themselves, and I am forever in his debt. Each day I remember Deputy Briese as a man who gave his life defending people he may have never met. Deptuy Briese gave his life to help a brother in need. For that, Deputy Briese will never be forgotten.

Fellow Deputy Sheriff

December 19, 2006

I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiancé Dennis. Everytime I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the man they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Deputy Briese, especially to his wife. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. You will be in my thoughts.

From reading the reflections left for David, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember David's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that David's life was about so much more than the way he died. David will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.

Deputy Briese, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my late fiancé Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been almost four years but we still miss him terribly.

Wishing you brighter and better days,

Jocelyne :)

"Forever Remembering 26-3"

Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Surviving Fiancee of Deputy Dennis R. McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)

December 11, 2006

Today is Dececember 11, 2006, it's Briese' birthday today. It is hard to believe you have been gone for 38 days and it is equally difficult to come to work every day and not see your smile or hear your devilish laugh. It is hard to look around and see life going on as if nothing has happened. Please remember 3-42 and his family today as these occassions are going to leave us all hollow. God bless you friend...I miss you so much.

A Deputy...A Friend
Yellowstone County Sheriff Dept

December 11, 2006

Dave, you will truly be missed by all. The special good mornings that came across the computer every morning will not be forgotten, no matter how you felt you always made sure you said hello and good morning to us. Your contagious laugh and smile will never be forgotten. Thanks for everything you did and will continue to do while in the heavens watching over us. Rest in Peace Friend.

Stacie Smelser
Yellowstone County Dispatcher

November 29, 2006

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