Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer JoAnn Virginia Liscombe

St. Louis County Police Department, Missouri

End of Watch Monday, January 14, 1991

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Reflections for Police Officer JoAnn Virginia Liscombe

26 years today since you were shot. We won't forget you.

John Jomp
A friend

January 11, 2017

Such a loss


July 15, 2016

I recently saw this on the ID Channel. Even though I didn't know this young woman, I almost cried. The person who did this horrific crime should have gotten the death penalty. You are so very much missed, young lady. May you RIP.

just a mourner

April 16, 2016

Saw the same program on the ID channel. Such a horrible loss.

Private Citizen

February 28, 2016

I recently saw a show on ID channel which told the story of this Lady's death. I didn't know her but I was very touched by the story. She did so much good for people and that's what she was doing on the nite she was murdered. No one interviewed on the show had ANY bad things to say about her. She always seemed to go out of her way to help others. There are some cops in every city in America who need to read about her death and learn about the sacrifices she made. You know who you are!


January 29, 2016

Rest in peace JoAnn

Love you. Miss you.

Cousin Bob

Bob Oldani
SLMPD (retired)

January 19, 2016

Rest in peace ma'am, you have not been forgotten. Thank you for your service. May God bless the family, friends, and co-workers of Officer Liscombe. Incidentally, I just watched a TV show about how this brave officer died, this is what a hero looks like.

Sr. Ptlmn Donnie Meaders(RET)
Wewoka (OK) Police Department

January 15, 2016

Rest in peace officer, you are not forgotten. God bless you and thank you for your service.

Police Officer (retired)

January 14, 2016

It's been 25 years. We still remember.


January 7, 2016

Never Forgotten.


January 6, 2016

I can't believe it has been 24 years since you were taken. Way to early. I think back all the fun we had and how I looked up to you. I remember your talks and advice. I still listen to your advice and it has taken me to a very happy place. I know you are having the time of your life. God Speed till I see you again. Thank you for giving your all.


January 11, 2015

I was 4 when your life when your life was taken. You and my father worked together, tonight he told me find stories about you and reminded me that you would often come to our house to visit. Thank you for your service. My family will always remember you.


October 31, 2014

Joanne spent many nights visiting with us the emergency room of Christian north east hospital. She made us laugh and stood by our sides during ems calls.
We will always remember the sadness that night we lost you.
thank you for the chance to know and work with you.

bob Hansen retired paramedic supervisor
Christian hospital ems program

August 17, 2014

I was 11 when you lost your life less than a mile up the street from our house. It still haunts me today. Rest in peace, Officer Liscombe.

neighborhood kid

August 15, 2014

Think about you often. You were loved by all of us at Lograsso's Deli and were always there for us.

Toni Lograsso-Warren

August 12, 2014

Today is a sad day in St Louis County Police history. I remember talking to JoAnn when she was a dispatcher and got the news of being accepted to the Academy. You were a good Officer and a good friend and I often still think about the bond we all had. I know you are at Peace my friend.

Office 1613

January 11, 2014

It's been a long time. Your friends won't forget you.



January 30, 2013

We still remember and you have never been forgot

Det. 1740 (retired)
St. Louis County

January 25, 2013

Never forgotten, Officer Liscombe.


January 14, 2013

It is 22 years since you were taken from us JoAnn.

We Love You, We Miss You, We Pray For You.

Cousin Bob

January 14, 2013

21 years. Long time. It just all seems so recent. We miss you and pray for you and your family. R.I.P.


January 21, 2012

Your heroism and service is honored today, the twenty-first anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never dimishes respect and your memory wili always be honored and revered. I pray for solace for all those who love and miss you for I know both the pain and pride are forever.

Rest In Peace

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

January 14, 2012

God Bless you and your family on this sad anniversary.

Kathy McEntee
sister of Sgt. Bill McEntee EOW 7/5/05

January 14, 2012

Remembering you with respect and appreciation.


March 24, 2011

It's been 20 years and we still remember you. R.I.P.

A friend

January 14, 2011

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