Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Carlton Daniel Jenkins

Camden County Sheriff's Office, Georgia

End of Watch Monday, August 28, 2000

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Reflections for Sergeant Carlton Daniel Jenkins

Well baby brother it's me your big sister carol, I can't talk to you so I go here now , it's July 19 2024 and yes I miss you awful, the whole family has been distant since your murder and my heart is still heavy with grief it pains my heart that your not here anymore Daniel I love you so much my baby brother . It will never be easy to hold back my tears for you. Just wanted to say I love you and I done what you asked us to at your wake I didn't cry and that's what you asked of the family so I didn't cry. I gotta go now see you when the Lord calls me.

Carol canon
Big sister

July 19, 2024

Thinking about you today my friend. You would be 60 today! Can’t believe Joe is 60 too although I didn’t rub it in when I texted him earlier. Crazy how the time passes. You would not recognize this world anymore. Everything is so much different now and I would prefer to be back in the good old days when you were still here. Happy birthday my friend! Thanks for always being there for me. I should’ve stayed at the S.O. and I truly believe you’d still be here but I can’t change the past.

Former 1145

December 14, 2023

It seems like every year when it’s getting close to the anniversary of that dreadful night. Your memories calls to us. Your cousin , my husband, Billy Joe “ Joey” he will talk about y’all and what a great person you were. The short times we had together proved that to be true. Joey and I were expecting our son at the time of your death and decided to give him your name for his middle name. We loved you and respect the price you paid. We miss you always.
Your cousins wife Tanya Fife

Tanya Fife
Cousins wife

July 12, 2021

Dan you were a good officer and Man. You taught me a lot at training classes when I use to work in Ga. Every Time I see that it is 11:11 on the clock. I stop and give a quick prayer for your family and to give them comfort. You are missed but not forgotten. God Bless your family.

Sergeant Chad Lee
Fernandina Beach Poice Department

March 31, 2021

i was in camden county Ga, and i met officer Jenkins at the waffle house where i worked, and i remember when he died it was really sad, and scary at the same time, because i think that was when i first time i realized that police arent invincible...Godbless you officer Jenkins and RIP :(

Stephen Phillips

January 4, 2021

My dear Cousin Dan. I cannot believe it’s been 20 years. I remember when you and Joe were young and we went to watch you get your first hair cut. You guys were so cute with your curly hair. We watched each curl fall to the floor and BOOM you looked like little men. God bless your family. RIP. You will always be missed.


November 11, 2020

I learned about your story today while visiting Camden County. You were a true hero and thank you for your service to Camden County

N/A Noah N/A

August 28, 2020

Rest in peace always knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

August 28, 2020

Uncle dan I wish I could have had the chance to know you better but you guy's lived in GA, I don't know much about you except my mom "your sister carol" said we looked like twins when I was a kid; I was only 10 when you passed away and uncle Joe wrote a beautiful eulogy about you. Four years after your passing me and your daughter becky spent the weekend at grandma dots and grandpa steves for the summer along with your niece sarai " your sister jan's daughter in bloomington,IN, it was a fun summer. A lot has changed since you passed and a lot of relatives have gone to a better place. I love you Uncle Dan.

Jason Canon
Dan Jenkins Nephew

August 3, 2020

I was sitting here tonight working on a paper for school on the death penalty. I pulled up your story and wrote about you and the night you were taken away from us here on earth. You've always been a dear friend, the best man at our wedding and many nights of games nights at your house watching you flip the game board because you got mad. You were an amazing officer, friend, father etc. etc. etc. We miss you. When I see 1111 pop up anywhere, I think of you and say hello. I will never forget the night that you left this world and look forward to seeing you again. Give my mom a kiss and hug. I am sure you have her laughing her behind off with your stories.

Michele Schwartz
Family and Friend. CSX Railroad Police, ex Nassau County SO 911

May 6, 2020

At the time of Dan's death I was a Patrol Deputy with the Nassau County Sheriff"s Office. On August 27, 2000 I responded to a robbery of a hotel near I95 in Yulee. Within a short time I had a suspect and vehicle description which was sent out to neighboring agencies.

Shortly after midnight August 28, 2000 I heard the call go out of an officer down in neighboring Camden County. To my shock it was my friend for many years Dan Jenkins. Dan had stopped my suspect.

I think of you often Dan and when I do I wish I would have been there with/ for you. You served your community well. God Bless

Captain Jon Slebos
Nassau County Sheriff's Office

February 21, 2020

I remember mr. Dan.. he used to be at the college campus in kingland.. its been times he has taken me and my 2 younger brothers to a seperate classroom just to play so that we wouldnt disturb our mom in class.. bought us happy meals while mom was in class.. he was one of the sweetest guys i know

stephanie brooks

October 15, 2019

I was in camden ga when officer Jenkins as killed. It was one of the worst memories yet touching at the same time.Ive never seen a whole town, city pull together, and mourn one man. A very special man. I never had the pleasure of meeting him personally but after seeing the respect and regard people had for him, its breathtaking. You cant not respect someone like that.

kelli m bartlett

September 3, 2019

Dan, I can't believe it's coming up on 19 years that you were taken from us. I'm sorry I haven't left a reflection on here sooner, every time I would start to I could never complete it. You were a true friend and co-worker. Even though you always called me "27", never by my name. I wish I had been there for you that night. I can't tell you how good it made all of us feel when we needed assistance and we'd hear, "1111 en route". We still tell war story about you, Lord, there are so many with you. I always enjoyed playing basketball with you, even though it wasn't a foul unless you drew blood. Everyone that ever got to know you truly misses you. I still see the "1111" stickers on vehicles around Camden County. You'll never be forgotten.

Lieutenant Bill Lee, former "1127&q
Friend and Co-worker

August 22, 2019

Rest in peace Sergeant Jenkins.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2019

Dan an I worked in kingsBay Naval base together on Patrol. He was always a smiling energetic face. He was a partner as well in ingsland PD to my then spouse L Kevin Tomlinson an I during his years there . Dan was always warm and welcoming with a kid like energetic that was contagious. I can not reflect on him with out a Smile am Tears. We miss you so much it has taken a long time to get to this point . RIP AF#Foxtrot17/Kingsland#538

Sandra Jordan USAF/Patrol Officer
KingsBay Naval Sub-base/Kingsland PD

November 24, 2018

Several years ago, I was watching World's Wildest Police Chases on my television. I remember one episode of where you were involved in a car chase and won! I was pretty sad after Sheriff John Bunnell, the host of the series I was watching, announced that you lost your life less than six months later. I can't believe eighteen years have gone by since we lost you. I know you are having fun in Heaven and are reunited with all the officers who had to go before you! See you up there soon! Thinking of you!


August 28, 2018

Well Dan, I can't believe it's been almost 18 years since I've gotten to see you.. you were basically family to me. My second dad. You were always there for me when my dad was off to see. Your daughter and I were best friends and I remember so many times of being at your house and playing outside.. I was reading all these comments of you being on World's Wildest Police Videos and I had to go see it for myself. I cried so much just from hearing your voice. but let me tell you, it is nice to know that I can just watch it and hear your voice whenever needed.. I miss you so much. Thank you for everything you ever did for me and for the Camden County Police station . You will for ever be loved. ❤

Basically your niece,
Delaney Ripley

Delaney Ripley
Family friend

May 15, 2018

One of my best friends and neighbors when it happened

No rank and name,good friend of mine

May 4, 2018

I think of you all the time. I miss you. I remember you calling me or me calling you just to check in. I miss those calls. I wish I wish I could hear your voice again. I never deleted your number from my phone. I sometimes look at your contact info. Love you


February 14, 2018

Dan what a great friend you were. I still can't believe you are gone! You were always getting onto me for not wearing my body armor. Losing two law enforcement brothers in one life time is more than I can take. Law enforcement wasn't fun after this! I think GOD for knowing you.

Retired Al Cooper
Camden County Law Enforcement

November 2, 2016

Uncle Dan, I don't know a whole lot about you but I do know that you were a great man a loving son husband father and uncle and there's one specific memory I do actually remember of you when you were still walking this earth with us and that's when my mom your sister brought us up to see you and the family and I remember that we had an awesome time visiting you all you were fishing out in your front yard and we were all laughing and having a wonderful time.I was about 12 yrs old when you passed And when I found out that you were killed I it broke my heart that you were gone at such a young age and I just wish I could've had more time with you. I always talk about you to people telling them how brave you were and how proud I am to be your niece. I love you uncle Dan and I will always remember and miss you. Love always, your niece Charlatte


July 18, 2016

Dan I wrote you sometime ago , it never posted . GOD KNOWS how much I cry over missing my baby brother. They all called you superman and that you were. Your memory and voice burns in my mind . Your babygirl has grown up to be a beautiful lady , Jennifer still works for the police dept. I love you brother, and Joe doesn't love anyone since you God forgive him. Love your big sister carol

Carol Canon

July 18, 2016

Hello, I am from Las Vegas, NV and I had heard about this tragic event on World's Wildest Police Videos approximately 7 years ago and still sorrowful. I believe you are indeed a wonderful person, a beloving father+son+husband+brother who really made a difference for your children and the mother of your children as well. Something good will come out of this. For now, a pension, life insurance, a place for you to be for now and your current reunion with others close to you, are four gifts with more to follow, including a gradual future reunion with your family. I have an idea for a protection system method. If successful, it will also help protect your loved ones and more to follow. For you and your current+future loved ones. Along with millions of others throughout the nation of course. I am just letting you know, because for you, I understand what a gift it would be for you and your others.

Seen on television

October 30, 2015

Hello I'm from the UK and just seen the Officer Jenkins on my tv doing great at his job chasing down and stopping a car in a police chase, excellent work, at the end of the segment it said that officer Jenkins was tragically killed in the line of duty, so so sorry for your loss, what should of been something simple turned out not to be, this shouldn't be happening for close to no reason, again so sorry for your loss, R.I.P officer Jenkins

Seen on television

October 12, 2015

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