Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Paul Andrew Hale

Raleigh Police Department, North Carolina

End of Watch Friday, July 11, 1997

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Reflections for Detective Paul Andrew Hale

Detective Paul Hale,

Today we honored your sacrifice during our annual wreath ceremony at the Raleigh Police Traning Center. I was privileged to watch my father give the opening benediction and ending prayers during today's ceremony. My father assisted in training you as a new officer when you started with RPD. Today he reflected on how 7/11/1997 was the worst day of his career when hearing the news of your death. I too have lived through this tragedy now as a Raleigh Police Officer myself and a training officer. Listening to my father's tribute made me re-live the day I lost one of my rookies (Officer Gabriel Torres). Just know that your memory will live on forever here at the Raleigh Police Department along with all the others that have lost their lives in the line of duty.

Honor the Fallen, Inspire the Standing.

Officer Z.R. Wagnon
Raleigh Police Department

July 11, 2024

Detective Hale,
You were the best training officer any new recruit could ever ask for. I learned a lot from you and most of all, you taught me how to parallel park and I can't thank you enough. LOL. You also showed me how much you valued your family because I remember you calling Connie during each shift just to tell her you loved her. I also remember sitting in the patrol car at Ravenscroft writing reports while you were in a parent/teacher conference for Stephie and Jessie. You loved your girls and they definitely loved you. Thank you for having patience with me throughout my training. You molded me as to who I am today at RPD. You will never be forgotten and will forever live in my heart.

Rhonda Powell, Victim Advocate
Raleigh Police Department-Family Violence Intervention

July 11, 2023

Thank you to all who have left reflections and memories here. They mean the world to me, and I know they make Paul smile in heaven. Jessie, Stephie, and I are doing well. We love all of you for the support and love that you have shown through the years.

Please hug your families, tell them you love them, and pray for our peacemakers. Thank an officer when you see one.

Connie Hale

May 24, 2023

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”. Matthew 5:9

155A P. E.

July 11, 2022

Det. Hale, on today the 25th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Raleigh. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

July 11, 2022

I just learned of this today from a mutual friend who was in the Vanderbilt NROTC unit. Eternal rest grant into you, and may perpetual light shine on you. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Ofc K. Woodroof 194
Davie PD (Ret)

July 28, 2021

Thank you for your service and please know that your sacrifice is one that will never be forgotten. Rest in peace always.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

July 11, 2020

Things I remember..... Mountain Dew. A dip. Car door popping open for said dip. New Bern and East. 10 cars wide at Chavis Park. You calling “Five-Five”. Me calling “Five-Three”. A house on Martin Street. Mr Chavis who you always too the time to talk to. Main station elevator and you wearing a Kellogg shirt. Last time we saw each other and spoke. Connie, Stephie and Jessie. All of A Platoon and 5th Squad. Monthly gatherings with brothers and sisters. You are thought of by so many people in so many ways. I know you are good and having beer with Greg and others who have made it to that side. Love you. Rest easy.


July 11, 2020

I was just a kid when you died but I remember the day clearly since my dad was a friend of yours. I am now a police officer as well and think of your sacrifice often. You are not forgotten, Paul.

Police Officer J. Kellar
Durham PD

April 17, 2020

You are most excellent of men and your lips have been annointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever. Gird your sword upon your side, O mighty one; clothe yourself with splendor and majesty. In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds. Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king's enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet.

You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by annointing you with the oil of joy. All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory the music of the strings makes you glad.
from Psalm 45

Marilyn Barclay Smith
Childhood friend

January 9, 2020

Rest in peace Detective Hale. Solid as a rock in resolve and commitment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2018

Thinking of you, Connie, Jessie and Stephie.


September 2, 2018

Good morning buddy, my hometown lost 2 officers yesterday, I know you will welcome them with open arms (and a dew and dip). Think of you often. Miss you everyday !! Enjoy those golden streets.......RIP !!

R Hepps

February 11, 2018

I remember when this happened. I was very young then but I was driving and stopped for the funeral procession. It was very long. Many showed respect. Rest in Peace Detective Hale.... and may your offender rot in hell....

S Capps

August 17, 2017

Rest in peace.

Lt. Jim Russo

July 13, 2017

I had a Dew for you today.


Russ Cullum
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office

July 11, 2017

Paul you will never be forgotten. I know how great of a person you are. God Bless Connie and the Kids.

I had a dew for you on the 11th.

Rest in Peace

Russ Cullum
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office

July 21, 2016


You are still remembered.

Take care of the new brothers arriving.


July 12, 2016

Paul - I met you through my photo lens, a photo I hope gave some comfort to your family, your friends and your fellow officers. It was a horrible day for every city employee, and I hurt for all of RPD. I remember the moment I learned of the shooting and I remember how it changed all of us. Always my love to those you loved and loved you.

RPD retiree

July 11, 2016

Paul, I remember that day all too well! I was already a Detective and was happy to see that you finally made Detective also, assigned to Drugs & Vice where most new Detectives went. I fortunately was able to bypass D&V. I always remembered you when you would bring a suspect to the 4th floor for questioning. You were such a talented and remarkable officer. You were one of the few uniformed officers that would bring a prisoner/suspect/witness to the 4th floor and really didn't need our assistance because you had everything well in hand and knew how to do our job. So when you were promoted to Detective, I thought now here's one truly remarkable officer that truly deserved the promotion. I remember the homicide that morning and remember D&V Detectives being utilized for surveillance for the best possible locations where the suspect may go. Unfortunately, it was you and Det. XXXXXX that thought the suspect had pulled up to a suspected location in an older type ragtop SUV vehicle with yellowed "windows". What I remember the most is hearing that the suspect was in the back seat and had to angle the weapon from the back seat through the front window (aiming backwards) with no idea where he'd be shooting. Worst of all, that unarmed shot hit a very talented RPD Detective (who had just made Detective). I had just left for the day and was called back in to assist with the investigation. I remember the shock and disbelief that one of our finest officers had been killed (the first officer killed since I had been with the PD) with such a random shot that had a slim chance of hitting anything. I think the entire PD was in shock and disbelief. The funeral only served to reinforce how precious life is and just how quick things can change, even for a smart, dedicated, and loyal member of the PD.

Please know that you are remembered after all these years. God obviously wanted you because of your human morals and Christian faith. God got a devoted disciple that day that left those of us stuck in this human world with grief, anger, and confusion (along with so many other emotions). It made a lot of us realize just how much we were putting our lives on the line everyday and made us remember what was most important in our lives, family!!! A lot of us were left behind grief stricken, forced to have to deal with the reality of life. Again, please know that you will never be forgotten and that you had the respect of all of your brothers and sisters in the same uniform!!!

We Miss You Paul!!!!!

Detective X
Raleigh PD

June 8, 2016

Its has been some time that I visited. I will explain later.

When I come, please have, plenty of dip and chitlings.

I love you Brother.


July 23, 2015

Always remembered, Brother.


July 11, 2015

Always honored, never forgotten.

Sgt. T. J. Jones
Greater Cleveland Transit Police Department, Ohio

July 11, 2014


Many of us are remembering you today. Each in our own way. A great husband, father, friend and partner. It's not the sacrifice that you made years ago this day, but how you lived your life up to this day.


July 11, 2014

Too Paul's Family !
I think about him often. He was a true frend and was an awesome partner to me, Pete and Russ H. I miss him and the other guys. May GOD keep you in his arms.

Russ Cullum
St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office

August 8, 2013

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