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Deputy Sheriff Floyd Kindler | Butler County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska
Butler County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska

Deputy Sheriff

Floyd Kindler

Butler County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska

End of Watch: Saturday, April 13, 1963

Biographical Info

Age: 42
Tour of Duty: Not available
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Heart attack
Date of Incident: April 13, 1963
Weapon Used: Person
Suspect Info: Not available

Deputy Sheriff Floyd Kindler suffered a fatal heart attack following a struggle with a suspect he was attempting to arrest.

He had responded to backup a town marshal at a bar and asked one of the suspects to accompany him outside. Once outside the suspect attacked him. Deputy Kindler was able to subdue him and take him to jail, where he collapsed.

Deputy Kindler was survived by his wife.