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Federal Prohibition Agent Posie Lester Flinchum | United States Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Bureau of Prohibition, U.S. Government
United States Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Bureau of Prohibition, U.S. Government

Federal Prohibition Agent

Posie Lester Flinchum

United States Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Bureau of Prohibition, U.S. Government

End of Watch: Tuesday, June 17, 1930

Biographical Info

Age: 33
Tour of Duty: Not available
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: June 17, 1930
Weapon Used: Gun; Unknown type
Suspect Info: Not available

Federal Prohibition Agent Posie Flinchum was shot and killed in Goldsboro, North Carolina, while he and three other agents were pursuing a vehicle suspected of transporting liquor.

The agents had been chasing the vehicle for approximately two miles when the occupants began shooting at the officers near Herman Park. One of the shots struck Agent Flinchum, who was driving, in the forehead. The vehicle then crashed, injuring the other three agents.

The suspects fled the scene but were arrested within several days.

Agent Flinchum was survived by his wife and two children.