Officer Down Memorial Page -

Constable Valmore De Rosier | Marysville Police Department, Montana
Marysville Police Department, Montana


Valmore De Rosier

Marysville Police Department, Montana

End of Watch: Thursday, September 13, 1917

Biographical Info

Age: 35
Tour of Duty: Not available
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: September 13, 1917
Weapon Used: Gun; Unknown type
Suspect Info: Not available

Constable Val De Rosier was shot and killed in the line of duty.

At approximately 3 a.m. Constable De Rosier and Dennis Shea, Marysville mine foreman, heard an explosion and after searching locations nearby came to a local saloon where the suspects began firing immediately. The first shot struck Constable De Rosier in the hand, and as he was attempting to find cover the shooters continued to fire 13 to 15 shots upon him, striking him in the abdomen. Mr. Shea fled in a different direction and called for assistance. It is believed Constable De Rosier died at the scene.

The shooters were able to escape through the confusion and it is believed that the car was spotted in nearby Helena soon after the shooting but this was never confirmed.

Constable De Rosier was survived by his mother, three sisters, three brothers,