Officer Down Memorial Page -

Investigator William Dennis Crane | United States Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, U.S. Government
United States Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, U.S. Government


William Dennis Crane

United States Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, U.S. Government

End of Watch: Saturday, September 12, 1953

Biographical Info

Age: 37
Tour of Duty: Not available
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Heart attack
Date of Incident: September 12, 1953
Weapon Used: Not available
Suspect Info: Not available

Investigator William Crane suffered a fatal heart attack following a struggle with a suspect and seizure of evidence in Baltimore, Maryland.

He and other agents were conducting surveillance at a location on South Paca Street when they observed a suspect trying to sell liquor. As Investigator Crane attempted to arrest him the man fled on foot. Investigator Crane chased him a short distance and then struggled with him before placing him under arrest.

A short time later Investigator Crane began complaining of chest pains. He was taken to Mercy Hospital where he died a short time later.

Investigator Crane was a U.S. Army Air Forces veteran of WWII and had served with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit for five years. He was survived by his wife and daughter.