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Deputy Game Protector Charles Beecham | Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania

Deputy Game Protector

Charles Beecham

Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania

End of Watch: Sunday, November 4, 1906

Biographical Info

Age: 25
Tour of Duty: Not available
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: November 4, 1906
Weapon Used: Handgun; Revolver
Suspect Info: At large

Deputy Game Protector Charles Beecham was shot and killed as he and several other game protectors attempted to arrest a man near Scranton for hunting on a Sunday.

The 22-year-old suspect was identified but never apprehended. His 17-year-old brother, who was with him, was tried for assault by pointing a gun at the officers. He was found guilty and released after paying the cost of court.

Deputy Game Protector Beecham was survived by his wife and three children.