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Patrolman Thomas North Burke | New York City Board of Water Supply Police, New York
New York City Board of Water Supply Police, New York


Thomas North Burke

New York City Board of Water Supply Police, New York

End of Watch: Friday, May 5, 1961

Biographical Info

Age: 51
Tour of Duty: 11 years
Badge Number: 213

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Heart attack
Date of Incident: May 5, 1961
Weapon Used: Not available
Suspect Info: Not available

Patrolman Thomas Burke suffered a fatal heart attack while engaging in a community policing activity with two children.

The children were flying a kite very close to overhead electrical wires in front of the of the Beerston Precinct police barracks on Route 10 in Beerston, New York. Patrolman Burke advised them not to fly the kite so close to the wires and then walked them to a field across the street from the barracks. He fixed the tail on the children's kite and then ran up the field twice, showing the children how to fly it. He returned the kite to the children then suddenly collapsed.

One of the children ran to her parent's house while the other ran to the police barracks. Other officers responded to the location where they found Patrolman Burke had died.

Patrolman Burke had served with the New York City Bureau of Water Supply Police Department for 11 years. He was survived by his wife, son, and four sisters.