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Deputy Sheriff Jasper N. Higginbotham | Nassau County Sheriff's Office, Florida
Nassau County Sheriff's Office, Florida

Deputy Sheriff

Jasper N. Higginbotham

Nassau County Sheriff's Office, Florida

End of Watch: Sunday, July 21, 1895

Biographical Info

Age: 36
Tour of Duty: Not available
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: July 21, 1895
Weapon Used: Gun; Unknown type
Suspect Info: Shot and killed

Deputy Sheriff Jasper Higginbotham was shot and killed while attempting to serve a warrant on a man wanted for assault.

When Deputy Higginbotham arrived at the Dyal & Milliken's Turpentine Works near Callahan, he was shot by the subject. Despite being wounded, Deputy Higginbotham was able to return fire and kill the subject.

Deputy Higginbotham's cousin was the Nassau County Sheriff's Office sheriff at the time of his death.