Officer Down Memorial Page -

Deputy Thomas Nolan | Nueces County Sheriff's Office, Texas
Nueces County Sheriff's Office, Texas


Thomas Nolan

Nueces County Sheriff's Office, Texas

End of Watch: Wednesday, August 15, 1860

Biographical Info

Age: 24
Tour of Duty: 3 years
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: August 4, 1860
Weapon Used: Handgun
Suspect Info: Not available

Deputy Nolan died of injuries he received when attempting to arrest an intoxicated man.

Deputy Nolan and his brother, Sheriff Matthew Nolan responded to a call where an armed, intoxicated suspect was creating a disturbance. While attempting to arrest the suspect, the suspect produced a handgun from his pants and shot Deputy Nolan in the forehead. Deputy Nolan remained in a coma until his death 11 days later.

Sheriff Matthew Nolan was shot and killed in the line of duty four years later.

Deputy Nolan had served with the Nueces County Sheriff's Department for three years.