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Deputy Constable John Stark | Grayson County Constable's Office - Precinct 6, Texas
Grayson County Constable's Office - Precinct 6, Texas

Deputy Constable

John Stark

Grayson County Constable's Office - Precinct 6, Texas

End of Watch: Thursday, February 20, 1873

Biographical Info

Age: 41
Tour of Duty: 10 years
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: February 20, 1873
Weapon Used: Handgun
Suspect Info: Not available

Deputy Stark was shot and killed when he and another constable went to arrest suspected horse thieves. While the constables mounted their horses someone opened fire on them, striking Deputy Stark in the head.
Deputy Stark had been with the agency for ten years and was survived by his wife and three children.