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Deputy Sheriff Robert Willard Watson | Fulton County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
Fulton County Sheriff's Office, Georgia

Deputy Sheriff

Robert Willard Watson

Fulton County Sheriff's Office, Georgia

End of Watch: Saturday, December 31, 1966

Biographical Info

Age: 42
Tour of Duty: 20 years
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Automobile crash
Date of Incident: December 31, 1966
Weapon Used: Not available
Suspect Info: Not available

Deputy Sheriff Robert Watson was killed in an automobile crash while transporting a prisoner.

His patrol collided with another car near Ellaville, in Schley County. Deputy Watson's prisoner and two occupants of the other car were also killed in the crash.

Deputy Watson had served with the Fulton County Sheriff's Office for 20 years. He was survived by his wife, son, and parents.