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Federal Prohibition Agent Charles F. Alexander | United States Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Bureau of Prohibition, U.S. Government
United States Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Bureau of Prohibition, U.S. Government

Federal Prohibition Agent

Charles F. Alexander

United States Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Bureau of Prohibition, U.S. Government

End of Watch: Wednesday, January 2, 1929

Biographical Info

Tour of Duty: Not available
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details

Cause of Death: Heart attack
Date of Incident: January 2, 1929
Weapon Used: Not available
Suspect Info: Not available

Federal Prohibition Agent Charles Alexander suffered a fatal heart attack while raiding a still in Williamstown, North Carolina.

He was accompanying other agents through the woods on the way to the still when he became ill. He told the other agents he was going to return to the car and wait for them. When the other agents got back to the car an hour later Agent Alexander was missing.

A search of the nearby area located Agent Alexander's body in a nearby field. It was determined that he had suffered a fatal heart attack.